fountain pen, note, notebook

Reviving the Art of Writing: How It Enhances Wellness and Self-Expression

Explore the importance of writing in personal wellness and self-expression. Discover methods to keep writing alive in your daily life and unlock its calming benefits.

fountain pen, note, notebook

I’ve always dreamed of being a writer. My ambition was to move to New York City and become a journalist, covering sports or career milestones. However, reality often requires us to pivot. Reflecting on this, I realize that many share similar dreams fueled by the allure of the Big Apple. Growing up less than two hours away, NYC always felt within reach.

The Roots of My Writing Journey
As a shy kid, I often found myself alone, daydreaming. My parents didn’t prioritize hands-on parenting, so writing became my outlet for self-expression. Coupled with a love for reading, I became a dedicated student of life, exploring the world through words.

The Decline of Writing as an Art Form
So, why don’t people write as much anymore? Writing is becoming a lost art. Our greatest historical figures were profound writers, and much of history is documented through the written word. Yet, we now live in a society increasingly reliant on AI technologies and curated content. Even schools are moving away from teaching cursive handwriting to students.

Many of us have been influenced by characters like Carrie Bradshaw, who romanticized the idea of being a writer in NYC. She embodied a lifestyle that many millennial women aspired to—living in a brownstone, wearing designer shoes, and thriving as a freelance writer. While it’s possible, how realistic does that dream seem today?

“A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world.”
Susan Sontag

Keeping Writing Alive in My Life
Despite the changing landscape of writing, I’ve found ways to keep it alive in my daily routine. Here are some methods that help me stay connected to the written word:

Journaling: Writing daily allows for reflection and self-discovery, helping me process thoughts and emotions.

Daily Lists: Making lists not only organizes my day but also provides a sense of accomplishment.

Handwritten Goals: Writing down goals by hand reinforces my commitment and makes them feel more tangible.

Affirmations on Post-Its: Placing positive affirmations around my space serves as daily motivation and encouragement.

Brainstorming Ideas: Regularly jotting down ideas sparks creativity and keeps my mind engaged.

Budgeting in a Planner: Using a yearly planner for monthly expenses allows for mindfulness in financial planning, helping me reflect on my spending habits.

While these activities can be done electronically, I find that engaging in them physically slows life down and fosters reflection away from screens. Writing brings joy and calmness to my life, and I believe more people should embrace it.

typewriter, vintage, keyboard

Writing is more than just a skill; it’s a vital practice for personal wellness and self-expression. In a world that increasingly relies on technology, let’s revive the art of writing. It’s good for the soul and can bring immense joy. So grab a pen, find a quiet space, and let your thoughts flow onto the page. You might just discover a new path to wellness.

What writing practices do you incorporate into your life? Share your tips in the comments below! For more insights on wellness and self-expression, subscribe to our newsletter!